Friday, June 27, 2008

Young Buck

I think this buck was born here last year, to the doe that visited us frequently. Though I'm not sure. She has two other little ones...they are just about full grown. I can't imagine they grew this much in just a month or so...but maybe? He just munched away, about 10 feet from us.

One of our cats tried stalking him in curiosity. He wasn't too scared of a little runt of a kitty. I'm sure he has seen larger predators.

Hidden Caterpillar

Can you see him? He's very cleverly disguised on the Aspen tree in my front yard. I accidentally put my finger on him, and thought it strange that a part of the tree was so soft. I have no idea what kind of moth or butterfly he turns into. Any ideas?

Golden Eagles

It seems they have moved into our canyon. A week ago I saw a pair on the wing, really ticking off the lot of the crows we have around here. Over the past week I have heard them calling every day. I've been cautious with the kitties outside. Though I haven't seen them over our house, that doesn't mean they wouldnt consider it. Though there are more than enough crows, magpies, voles, etc. to keep them occupied. They sure are beautiful! I tried to take a picture, but none of them have turned out! They're just too far off for my dinky little camera.

Summer Giants

Hot mornings followed by tumultuous afternoons, a signature of summertime!

For the last couple of weeks we've had storms blow by late every afternoon. They were beautiful, and few dropped anything on us. It finally did rain the other day on us, and there have been none since. Here are some shots I took.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The season's first Golden Banners!!

I love these perky yellow lupine.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Water Bird

I don't know what kind of bird this is, but he sure looked hungry. He sat patiently on the banks of the S. Platte, didn't move a muscle and didn't catch anything!
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Mother Goose

And her little babe! In suburban Lakewood...but they are wildlife!
Happy spring!
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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Winter in the Foothills

Pictures from our house. A bright Christmas moon over Colorado. A fiery winter sky.
And beautiful fresh snow. Denver is tucked right under those clouds.